What is Computer?


 What is Computer?

Computer is an advance electronic machine. That is designed to work with information. The take row data as input from the user and processes these data under the control of set of the instructions and give the output.

Digital Computer Definition.
The basic Components of a modern digital Computers are Input device, Output Device, Central Processing Unit (CPU).

What is the full form of Computer?

Ans:- Computer has not full form because computer is a meaningful word so computer has not any full form.

            C         :- Communally
            O        :- Operate
            M        :- Machine
            P          :- Particular
            U         :- User
            T          :-Trade
            E          :- Education
            R          :- Research

(I:- Input , P:- Processes, O:- Output)

       Input:- Input is the row of information entered into the computer  all these device by which give the data to computer called input.
                Example:- Keyboard, Mouse, scanner, camera
  Process:- Processes is the operation of data for give the result such as thinking of data.
               Example:- C P U
      Output:- Output is the processed data of computer as completed for show.
               Example :- Printer, Monitor, Speaker, Plotter.
       Data:- Data is also called information which is give or received by computer or user.


1.     A C: - Alternating, Current.

2.     A L U: - Arithmetical, Logical, Unit.
3.     A T:- Advance, Technology.
4.     A T X:- Advance Technology Extra.
5.     B D:- Binary, Digit.
6.     C D:- Compact, Disk
7.     C D-Rom:- Compact, Disk, Read, Only Memory.
8.     C D-R W:- Compact Disk Re Writable.
9.     C P U :- Central Processing Unit.
10.            C U:- Control Unit.
11.            C R T:- Cathode Ray Tube.
12.            D C:- Direct Current.
13.            D V D:- Digital Video Disk (Digital Visual Disk)
14.            D O S:- Disk Operating System.
15.            E-Mail:- Electronic Mail.
16.            F D D:- Floppy Disk Drive.
17.            G B:- Giga Byte.
18.            G U I:- Graphical User Interface.
19.            G- Mail:- Google, Mail.
20.            I O:- Input Output
21.            I P O:- Input, Process, Output
22.            I B M:- International Business Machine.
23.            I S O:- International, Standard, Origination.
24.            I C U:- Intergraded, Circuit Unit.
25.            F A X:- Far, Away, Xerox
26.            H T M L:- Hyper, Text, Markup, Language
27.            K B:- Kilo, Byte.
28.            L A N:- Local, Area, Network.
29.            M A N:- Main, Area, Network.
30.            M B :- Mega, Byte.
31.            M S- Office:- Microsoft, Office.
32.            W A N:- Wide, Area, Network.
33.            O S:- Operating, System.
34.            P C:- Personal, Computer.
35.            R O M:- Read, Only, Memory.
36.            R A M:- Random, Access, Memory.
37.            T B:- Tetra, Byte.
38.            T T:- Typing, Tour.
39.            U P S:- Unit, Power, Supply.
40.            S M P S:- System, Management, Power, Supply.
41.            X T:- Extra, Technology.
42.            Y-Mail:- Yahoo, Mail.
43.            V G A:- Video, Graphics, Audio.
44.            V D U:- Visual, Display, Unit.
45.            L C D:- Liquid, Crystal, Display.
46.            L E D:- Liquid, Eristal, Display. 
47.            W W W:- World, Wide, Web.
48.            A T M:- Automatic, Tailor, Machine,
49.            R T P S:-Real, Time, Public, Subscribe.
50.            I R C T C:- Railway, Carting Tourism Corporation.


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