What is Computer

What is computer?
Answer:- Computer is an advance electronic device that is used to accept to any type the data and instruction by give the user and process these data than get accurate result. Computer has manly work on IOP(Input Process Output). The Computer has MaManly four types such as micro Computer, Mainframe Computer, Mini Computer ,and main Computer.
Now discuss  the input.
What is input?
Answer :- Input is an instruction of the data to input the computer system by the users. The input Entred the computer by use of keyboard and mouse these are called to input device.
How many types of input and output device?
Answer :- There are five types of input devices such as Keyboard, Mouse, Scanner, Camera and JoJoystick, and there are five types of output devices such as Monitor, Printer, Plotor Speaker and Headphones.
Now discuss the input devices  one bye one:-
1. Keyboard :-Key board is an example of the input device that is used to enter the any types of instructions and text data into the Computer System. A standard Keyboard has maximum 108 keys and minimum 102 keys.
A Keyboard has 12th Functions keys such as f1,f2,f3,f4,...........f12. 26th Alphabet keykeys and 10th   Number keys, 2 enter keys 2 shift key, 2 Alt key and 1 Backspace, 1 delete, 1 space bar keys.
2. Mouse :- Mouse is an example of the input device that is used to enter the any types of data and instruction into the Computer system. Such as Songs, Software installed and uninstall the Software.
There are three types of Music such Ball Mouse, Scroll Mouse and


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